Curiosity and the Chemist

I am a chemistry teacher and I teach in a high school in Maine. I have a web site which makes all of the curriculum I have written over the years available to anyone with an Internet connection. I am proud of the writing I have done in producing lab activities, group work with detailed introductory material, and homework assignments. Still, I feel that I have something more to offer in the way of writing than just pieces of curriculum. This is why I have started this blog.

I believe it is important to be curious about the world. I am particularly curious about the natural world and this is why I am interested in science. As a teacher I have found that teenagers have sometimes lost their curiosity about the world. As they focus inward and on their social development they take the world around them for granted. I feel that part of my job as an educator is to re-awaken the curiosity of a small child in my students so that they can again formulate questions such as, “why is the sky blue?” Part of what I would like to do on this blog is answer such questions. 

In my posts I plan to explore things to which my curiosity has led me. I also intend to answer questions about the natural world brought to me by my students and by possible future readers of this blog. If you, dear reader, have a question about the natural world that you would like to ask me then please do so by commenting on this post.

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